Monday, September 7, 2009

haha.. happy oso dun noe why..

arh ha~ sot jor..
but my mood turn better..
so i cook again~ haha
2am dy... until now i baru realise tat it is not easy to find something to cook~
wah.. my mother... lol everyday dif meal for us... love her^^
i cook simple supper... ( maggi mee, 1 egg and 1 hotdog)
15mins.. kaotim.. here are my supper~

tml no nid go to school...
study my tips...
my frens give me de tips 100% zhun de~
dun noe where he get it.. =.=
ghost festival wor... mayb he asks from 'them'...

wish everything wil be fine.. ^^
good nitez

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